Best Time of Year to Clean the Gutters

Gutter Cleaning Services - Newton Window Cleaning, MA

Living in a region with all four seasons definitely has its benefits, but it can also be a lot of work. The weather has become a bit more extreme and unpredictable, so we must adapt to it. For that reason, our home should always be in tip-top shape, particularly the roof, which is our first line of defense against the elements.

Day in and day out, it’s the part of our home that we can’t easily see unless we seek it out, but it is always there protecting us from the sun and the rain. Because of that, roofs need to be cared for. However, the question is, when should we clean our roof, and it’s accessories? We’ll learn more about that in the succeeding paragraphs.

When is the Best Time to Clean Roof Gutters?

When is the Best Time to Clean Roof Gutters - Newton Window Cleaning, MA

One of the parts roofs have that performs well in preventing water from getting into your home are the gutters. Each day, pieces of dirt, leaves, and debris fill gutters until they’re clogged. The leaves from trees nearby and the waste left by pests that lived there are the top reasons why problems in the gutters occur. How often do you clean the gutters? If you say once or twice a year, then you are doing it right.

To prevent precipitation inside your home, gutters must be checked and cleaned at least twice a year. The best time, though, is in early spring, which serves as a preparation for the heavy rains coming during that season. Gutter maintenance should also be done in the early fall when the leaves and other debris brought about by the hot summer months are easier to remove. For trees like pine trees that shed more leaves than others, cleaning the gutters need to happen more than twice.

Why is it Necessary?

Why is it Necessary - Newton Window Cleaning, MA

To enjoy dry days and nights inside your home and spending excess money on repairs, proper gutter and roof maintenance is required. As a homeowner, it is your duty to make sure that everything in your house is well-maintained, including the roof and the gutters. Specifically, gutters filter the dirt, leaves, twigs, moss, and soils that might get inside your home. If they are not in perfect shape, that debris will have a way of entering your home and cause more problems like sickness and foul smells.

Safety Tips in Doing it Yourself

Safety Tips in Doing it Yourself - Newton Window Cleaning, MA

Doing the task by yourself may be risky as it requires climbing up a ladder and the use of some specialized tools. In that case, here are some important tips to keep in mind to accomplish it safely.

1. Check the ladder you’re using to climb up the roof and make sure it is of good quality.

2. Make sure to position the ladder somewhere safe and steady before starting to climb.

3. Ask someone to assist you by holding the ladder while you climb up.

4. Never completely let go of the ladder; have one foot and one hand on it at all times.

5. Inspect the gutters first to see if there are pests or animals nesting in them to avoid any hindrance or accidents.

6. Wear anything that will protect your eyes and your hands, like gloves and safety glasses.

When unsure and not confident that you can do it without encountering any problems or accidents, it’s always best to seek help from the experts in window cleaning services. This way, you can be guaranteed that the task will be done safely and effectively.

Newton Window Cleaning, Your Best Partner

Newton Window Cleaning, Your Best Partner - Newton Window Cleaning, MA

Our professional window cleaners are not afraid to climb up high to get to clean your gutters, windows, and solar panels. To ensure that everything is okay and working well with your gutters and windows, we’ll check all corners and sides of it using our top-of-the-line tools. We’ll make sure your gutters are in good working condition, as well as cleaning them.

Staying home should not feel like you’re secluded from everything outside. Having a clear view of the rising sun each morning or the people passing by is important. Crystal clear windows do a lot of good in our day-to-day living. They create a space for deep thinking while observing quietly outside. You’ll know it’s time to call Newton Window Cleaning services when your vision out your windows becomes blurry.

Just because it hasn’t rained much or because you don’t see any leaks from your ceiling doesn’t mean that your gutters are working as they should. Call us at 617-744-4105 to make an appointment, and we’ll be there to give your gutters a good cleaning and checkup.

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